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About Yeeply

In what are you specialised?

Yeeply's marketplace of teams and professionals is specialised in the development of digital projects related to technology.

How many and what kind of projects has Yeeply carried out?

Yeeply has carried out more than 800 digital projects around the world, for clients ranging from startups and SMEs to large companies.

Do you provide your services to private individuals?

Yeeply is an exclusive platform, focused on the development and assistance of technological projects for companies of any size and sector. However, Yeeply has no problem working for individuals who demonstrate having a serious project and funding to carry it out.

I work for an agency, how can we cooperate with Yeeply?

Yeeply has been working with several kind of agencies for many years. Most of them entrust their projects to us because we can work for their end customers with a white label. Besides, we are able to offer competitive prices and provide the best team of professionals to realise your project requirements.

Where are Yeeply's professionals located?

Yeeply's teams and professionals are located all over the world, available to work at any time.

Are the professionals freelancers or working for companies? If they are freelancers, do you set up teams with different profiles?

In our network of professionals, we work with both freelancers and companies. As a general rule, we try not to assemble teams of different profiles because of the complexity regarding management responsibilities. Besides, we experienced that the process of a project goes smoother when the team is familiar with each other and only one person is in charge. However, it is possible to set up teams of several profiles as long as they are managed directly by our clients.


I don't know how much it is going to cost to realise my tech project. Can you help me with this?

Yes we can! Yeeply has several tools that allow you to get an idea of the cost of your project: How much does my app cost?" (EN, US) and How much does my website cost? (EN, US). However, it is important to keep in mind that yeeply.com is aimed for professionals and companies

How is it possible for Yeeply to send offers with such competitive prices without lowering the quality?

Yeeply's favourable price-quality ratio is mainly due to two reasons:

1. The number of projects we provide to our professionals: this allows us to send offers with more competitive prices compared to other companies.

2. Relocation: some of our professionals charge a lower cost per hour, as they are in a different country than the client.

Working with Yeeply

I did not understand who I am going to hire, Yeeply or the professional?

At all times, your partnership will be with Yeeply, who is solely responsible for ensuring that your project is developed in optimum conditions. We do this by selecting the best team, optimising delivery times and costs, and ensuring that the functionalities defined in the contract are implemented. The professionals will sign a parallel agreement with Yeeply to work on your project.

Does Yeeply also offer maintenance for completed projects?

Yes, from the beginning Yeeply takes into account that it will be needed to spent a number of hours a month on maintenance after the project is completed. These are calculated in advance, to make sure that the client won't be surprised with unexpected costs after the delivery of the project. These montly hours of maintenance will be used for software updates, development of new versions, security improvement and design adjustments. However, these updates will include small actions in general. In case the client wants to add new features or make complex technical adjustments, the prior hourly rate that was used before will be applied for the additional hours.

Do projects contracted via Yeeply include a guarantee?

Yes, we offer a 6-month guarantee to our clients who develop a project with us. This means Yeeply is responsible for fixing any type of bug or technical incidents regarding the functionalities that are defined in the contract.

How is the quality of Yeeply's professionals ensured?

All the professionals and teams in the Yeeply network have been certified in several steps. In this process, we validate their fiscal information, client references, technical skills and other important data.

It is also an evolutionary process, in which we gradually start working with them, increasing their responsibilities as they prove their expertise. The waiting list of teams and professionals who want to work with Yeeply is very large and only 1% of the professionals who apply are approved.

Do you work with an hourly rate or a quotation?

Both options are feasible with Yeeply.

Do you sign confidentiality agreements or NDA's?

Yes, and if necessary, we can provide a standard confidentiality agreement to all clients who request it, and who have demonstrated a real interest in carrying out a project with Yeeply.

Working with Yeeply

How are payments managed?

At Yeeply we always require a down payment to start our projects. The percentage of this initial payment depends on the negotiation, but it usually varies between 30% and 50% of the total budgeted costs. This allows us to dedicate the necessary resources to the project.

Is it mandatory to use the platform in order to work with Yeeply?

No, it is not necessary, although it is highly recommended as it allows you to centralise the communication and have greater control over the projects. However, we understand that most companies and agencies are already using their own tools and channels for communication.

The teams of Yeeply use common tools such as Trello, JIRA or Slack to communicate and monitor tasks. Yeeply also works with its own repository in Bitbucket which means when the project is finished, the code and documentation are handed over to the client.

What happens if my project goes wrong?

The world of software is very complicated. With a great amount of projects around the world, it is possible that one goes accidentally wrong. Reasons for this could be as follows:

  • The funtionalities or details of the project were not defined clearly enough before starting the development process.

  • Additional adaptations are requested when the development process already has started.

  • The assigned team loses a team member due to illness or loss.

  • The relationship between the client and the assigned team is not going well for some reason.

  • The client had a bad experience with a prior development company, which made everything more complicated.

  • Etc..

In spite of this, the degree of satisfaction of our clients is very high. Yeeply's ultimate goal is to take care of each and every client. Whenever something does not work out as planned, we will try to do the utmost to solve it in the most favourable way for everyone.

Who owns the source code?

At the end of every project, the source code is handed over to the client. Generally and by default, the client is the sole owner of this code.

Exceptionally, some or all of the source code used to develop a project can be reused by the professional in order to optimise the costs of another project. In this case, the conditions of shared exploitation of the source code must be notified to the client before signing the project.


What kind of professionals are working with Yeeply?

Yeeply's certified professionals have the following profiles:

  • App development & design teams

  • Web development & design teams

  • Professionals in the digital world

  • Software development companies

  • Technological consultants

I filled out the form to get certified but Yeeply has not contacted me yet.

At Yeeply, professionals and teams are certified on a first come, first served basis and depending on the characteristics of their profiles. This to attempt to respect the balance between supply and demand. We have a long waiting list, and only 1% of the candidates are accepted. If we certify your profile we will call you and conduct the necessary interviews.

How much does Yeeply charge teams and professionals?

Unlike other platforms, Yeeply does not charge any commissions or membership fees. In this way, Yeeply only works with certified teams and professionals in an objective and merit-based manner.

Once I have been certified as a team/professional, can Yeeply remove me from the platform?

Yes, at all times we try to maintain the highest standards. There are many reasons why a certified team or professional can be excluded from the platform. A few examples are non-compliance with the clauses established in the collaboration contract (Yeeply Partner), sudden lowering of the quality level, incorrect treatment of clients, etc.

However, Yeeply always tries to investigate the case and depending on its severity, a professional can be resigned temporarily or permanently from a project and the platform.

Are you ready for your first project?